For many years we’ve attended the Atlanta Greek Festival, but we hadn’t really considered Annunciation Day School as an option for our daughter as a place to start Preschool. Thankfully a friend of ours had a child that was enrolled at ADS and told us we should see if it might be a good option. We are so thankful that we listened and attended the open house and we feel fortunate that our daughter was able to start Preschool at ADS last August 2019. We are so pleased with her development, along with the lessons that the school has taught her. The person that she is becoming is in large part thanks to the sense of community that ADS helps to foster. Even after the effects of the pandemic and transition to virtual learning, the care and effort in maintaining development and continuing the sense of community was evident.
We are so thankful for the advice to consider ADS. It’s the same advice that I would offer any other parents that are looking for a place for their child. A place that develops that little person and teaches them from a place of care and love (Agapi…We’ve even learned some Greek!). For us that’s ADS.
Todd Stone
Preschool Parent—May, 2020