The Annunciation Day School is located in Atlanta, Georgia and serves Preschool two yrs. old through eighth grade. Our school offers a loving Christian environment with a dedication to life long learning, respect for others and acceptance of diversity.
Small class sizes allow teachers to accurately identify the individual needs and learning styles of each child. We are fortunate to be able to work one-on-one with our students on a daily basis to reinforce concepts. Annunciation Day School teachers create specialized, integrated lessons to effectively reach visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learners.
The Georgia Standards of Excellence are followed across all grade levels at ADS. Teachers deliver these standards using a variety of instructional methods including projects, direct instruction, field trips, guest speakers and computer software technology.
Our average class size is 16.
Having low student/teacher ratios is an important aspect of our educational philosophy at ADS. This sets us apart from the other area schools.
Vertical Homerooms
In the Middle School, we have vertical rather than horizontal homerooms. This means that students are in a homeroom with a mix of 6th, 7th and 8th-grade students rather than being with only students from their own grade.
This develops a more cohesive, friendly and harmonious Middle School whilst allowing for the older students to organically mentor the younger students in their study skills, executive functioning and confidence. The students form strong friendships and enjoy being in a school where there is no grade hierarchy.