My name is Marnie Shellenberger and at the beginning of the 2017 school year, my husband and I enrolled our two sons in Annunciation Day School (ADS). Prior to our enrollment in ADS, our children attended various local, public elementary schools. At these previous schools, as a family, we experienced many frustrating homework assignments due to lack of proper instruction; many unattended school days, not due to illness we discovered, but due to their lack of interest in going to school. As parents, we began to sense our children were becoming apathetic to their current educational experience and that they simply were not being provided the proper foundation needed for their future success.
As parents, we decided our children needed increased instruction and attention from their teachers and as a result, we attended an open house at Annunciation Day School. At the open house, we were warmly received and impressed with the smaller class sizes, teachers, principal and curriculum. ADS offers a nurturing learning environment in addition to having a vibrant sports program.
I remember feeling anxious picking our kids up from ADS the first day. When I arrived, our kids were all smiles - ADS has been a great fit since the very beginning. At the end of his first week at ADS, our youngest child proclaimed, “You know, I’m really smart”. His confidence astounds and elates us as parents. In terms of our oldest son, ADS teachers helped us understand early on he required extra initial instruction due to the previous schools’ failure to provide him with the necessary foundation to move forward with his learning potential. We are extremely grateful for the efforts of the ADS teachers and are a stronger family as a result of their support. And although we are not a Greek Orthodox family, our kids enjoy the religious opportunities offered at the school and both Fathers Paul and Christos have been a blessing in our lives.
Currently, our children are members of the Beta Club and have both earned all A’s & B’s for the previous 2 years. It makes all the difference to have teachers who address issues of concern by making concrete recommendations and who are accessible to parents.
My husband and I are extremely grateful to everyone at ADS for their role in providing inspiration to the students who will be well-prepared to accomplish any future goals and dreams.
Marnie Shellenberger
Alumni Parent - Class of 2021 and 2022